Free for NGOs & Non-Profit-Organizations

🚀 Includes guide for self-hosting and pre-built CI/CD workflow

A React.js SaaS Starter Kit to build your MVP faster

Zauberstack speeds up the development process. Built on an industry-proven tech stack, it helps you bypass months of extensive discussions and research.









Apollo GraphQL

Apollo GraphQL





Let's Encrypt

Let's Encrypt











JSON Web Tokens

JSON Web Tokens

All the basic elements to build & launch a SaaS app

Zauberstack helps you to get off the ground quickly: subscriptions, user management, user invitations etc. With all this boilerplate out of the way you can start building real features faster.

Payments and subscriptions

Easily integrate and manage recurring billing for subscription-based services. Powered by Stripe.

Authentication & authorization

Pre built forms and views for authentication, password recovery and registration.

Passwordless login

Allow users to log in without a password.

Invite new team members

Invite new team members and manage roles and permissions easily.

Marketing website

Responsive and conversion optimized marketing website included.

Modern techstack

Built with modern technologies like React, Typescript, NestJS, Prisma, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Next.js, Mantine, Vite and more.

Fully customizable

Everything in zauberstack is 100% customizable.

Dark mode

Let users toggle between light and dark mode.

No lock-in

With zauberstack your are not dependent of a service provider or technology solution.

E-Mail templates

Easily send out transactional mails with pre-built mail templates.

Fully responsive

The ui fully adapts to the users screen size. Zauberstack is mobile first and fully responsive.

100% open source

All libraries and components of zauberstack are open source and have a great developer community.

Extensive documentation

Detailed instructions on how to setup, configure and deploy zauberstack.

Free SSL

Zauberstack contains a detailed guide on how to launch for production on a server

Detailed instructions to deploy for production

Zauberstack contains a detailed guide on how to launch for production on a server

Responsive, dark mode, pre-built components, fast loading times...

Beautifully designed React webapp
with pre-built views and components for authentication, team management, subscription, dashboards, tables, forms and more. Fully integrated with a GraphQL api.

Powered by

Apollo Client
Zauberweb - React webapp

Built with Mantine

Mantine is a modern React component library designed to streamline and simplify the process of building web applications.

GraphQL and Apollo Client

Apollo Client is a powerful JavaScript library for managing state and making GraphQL queries in web applications harnessing the full potential of GraphQL.

Stripe subscriptions

Powered by Stripe, zauberweb lets you easily integrate and manage retcurring billing for subscription-based services.

Authentication flow, registration, password reset

Pre built forms and views for authentication, password recovery and registration save your a decent amount of development time.

Filterable lists, complex tables

Manage large datasets with pre-built table and filter components. Pagination, inline editing, responsive table views. Powered by the incredible Mantine Datatable library.

Invite system, team management

Invite new team members and manage roles and permissions easily. Invitees receive an email with instructions to join your team.

Prebuilt components, 100% customizable

Zauberweb contains custom react components. On top of that you can use 200+ core components of mantine and mantine.ui.

Dark mode

The most important feature of every digital product: Let users toggle between light and dark mode.

Mobile first

The ui fully adapts to the users screen size. Zauberweb is mobile first and fully responsive.

GraphQL, JWT, Prisma ORM, E2E tests, Stripe subscriptions...

Fast and reliable backend
built with NestJS using Prisma to connect to any database. Subscriptions, mailing, permission handling, authorization, authentication, e2e tests and so much more.

Powered by

Apollo Server
Zauberapi - NestJS Backend server.


NestJS is a powerful and extensible server-side JavaScript framework built on top of Node.js. It follows modular architecture principles, providing developers with a scalable and maintainable platform to build robust and efficient server-side applications.

Prisma ORM

Prisma is a next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM simplifying database access and manipulation by generating a type-safe query API based on your database schema.

Stripe subscriptions

Powered by Stripe, zauererstack lets you easily integrate and manage recurring billing for subscription-based services.

Authentication via JWT

JWTs provide a stateless and efficient means of authentication by digitally signing information, enabling secure token-based user authentication and authorization.

Role-based permission guards

Role-based permission allows to check and enforce roles based on the user´s credentials, ensuring proper access control in the application.

Invite system, Team management

Invite new team members and manage roles and permissions easily. Invitees receive an email with instructions to join your team.

Transactional mails, mail templatese

Easily send out transactional mails with pre-built mail templates. zauberstack uses nodemailer under the hood which can be used with a wide range of mail providers.


GraphQL offers a flexible and efficient way to request and receive only the necessary data, reducing over- fetching and under - fetching of information in API responses.

Error handling

The API provides error handling in a structured and organized way. There are different pre-made error classes helping to inform clients about the cause of an error.

E2E tests

E2E tests help identify and address integration issues, ultimately enhancing the overall reliability and quality of the software. zauberstack has test-suites for authentication and user related queries.

Enhanced productivity with Nest CLI

The Nest CLI (Command Line Interface) streamlines and accelerates the development process for Nest.js applications by providing a set of commands for scaffolding, building, testing, and more.

Convenient tooling

zauberstack comes with handy npm scripts to be more productive like Prisma Studio, a web based database editor to explore and manipulate data.

Prebuilt components, fast page loading times, fully customizable

Responsive and conversion optimized marketing website
following best practices regarding SEO and page speed.

Powered by

Zauberpage - Performance optimized marketing website.

Built with Next.js

Next.js simplifies React application development with features like automatic code splitting, server-side rendering, and a streamlined development experience, optimizing performance and SEO..

Performance optimized

Next.js leverages static rendering for pages, which enhances loading speed by generating HTML at build time and serving pre-rendered pages to users.

Fully responsive

The website is fully responsive and adapts to any screen size, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience across all devices.

SEO optimized

Next.js provides built-in support for SEO optimization, enabling developers to easily implement metadata, canonical tags, and other essential SEO elements.

Customize everything

The components are built with mantine and thus can be customized completely to match your brands message and visual appeal.

Effective page components

The website contains all components to market your project effectively and generate leads: Hero header, feature sections, testimonials, contact form and much more.

Real-world development flow, free SSL, NGINX, dockerized infrastructure...

Detailed guide to production ready self-hosting.
Deploy on your favourite VPS with a pre-made gitlab built pipeline

Powered by

Lets´s Encrypt
Zauberbuilt - Build, deploy, maintain with ease.

GitLab CI/CD

Automate the build, test, and deployment processes of your project with Gitlab.

Deploy everywhere

All you need to launch your project is a vps server with unix installed. Zauberbuilt contains an easy to follow guide helping you to configure everything.

Nginx reverse proxy

An NGINX reverse proxy improves server performance and security by efficiently distributing client requests to the backend. It handles SSL certificates, load balancing and can be easily scaled.

Dockerized infrastructure

Each component of Zauberstack will be deployed as a docker image. Containers can be easily scaled up or down based on demand, enabling efficient resource utilization and improved performance.


Docker containers encapsulate the application and its dependencies, making it easy to move and run the application across different environments, such as development, testing, and production, without worrying about compatibility issues.

Free SSL with Let´s Encrypt

Let´s Encrypt SSL certificates provide free, automated, and widely trusted encryption for websites and applications, enhancing security and privacy by encrypting data transmitted between servers and users´ browsers.

❤️ Monorepo

git clone zauberstack

After you´ve completed the checkout process, you´ll receive an invitation to a private gitlab repo, which you´ll want to clone.

yarn install

Zauberstack is structured as a monorepo and is easily manageable with yarn workspaces. After you run yarn install, all dependecies will be installed.

yarn start

Start everything with single command. Zauberstack comes with a dockerized development environment: Postgres database, mailhog for testing mails - ready to go.

Frequently Asked Questions


👋 I´m Julian, a UX Engineer building stuff

Over the years i learned that learning from real user feedback is key and should be deeply integrated into the product development flow. In order to do that you have to ship early and often to make an idea tangible through design prototypes or coded iterations of your product.

The key motivation behind Zauberstack is to provide creators, hobbists, ngos, non-profits with an “end-to-end”-toolkit to design, develop, test, market and launch an idea. I sincerly hope this project helps teams to build great products, ideally projects that are benefitial for communities and contribute to common good.